About Canvasee FREE Advertising

100% Free Advertising service starts instantly as you subscribe to the Canvasee application. You can increase & promote your sales by linking your fashion items to boost your sales. Canvasee is a versatile & complete solution for the amazing world of fashion loved by millions of eBayers around the world. Canvasee is all about "Creating what is envisioned on digital canvas & waiting to see what happens".

What are the Advantages as an eBay Seller

Sell more and earn more money by linking your fashion related eBay items into Canvasee FREE Advertising application.

Type 1

Create FREE Visual Listing App with all your linked items. Apply your listing app into either all your items description page or particular items page. Buyers can have a view of other items which you are selling in online eBay. Hence you can sell more items for same buyer at one place.

Type 2

Create FREE eBay Boutique App with all your linked items. Create your own eBay Boutique App and apply embed code into your eBay item description page or your personal websites/blogs in order to promote your business and sales in eBay.com.


Link Items

a. Link my eBay Selling Items

Import all your Men's and Women's Fashion related items from eBay by selecting either 'My eBay items : Men' or 'My eBay items : Women' or 'Other Sellers eBay items' along with relevant categories.

If you have no items selling at eBay you can change the select option to 'Other Sellers eBay items' for searching other seller's items.

Choose relevant dress material and create a similar style image for selected item. Select color or pattern from drop-down menu and link into Canvasee App by clicking 'Link Selected Item' button.

b. Manage my Linked eBay Selling Items

It manages all items the seller has selling at eBay. It will show the item's title, bidding information and Linked Styles. You can link more styles to the listed items by clicking the link "Link More Styles".

Linked Styles: You can see the list of styles linked to a particular chosen item when you click the "Linked Styles".

Link More Styles: You can link more styles to the listed items by clicking the link "Link More Styles".

When the item's bidding has ended, the "Link More Styles" function will not be shown. You can remove from the list by selecting the checkboxes and clicking the "Delete Selected Item" button.


Visual Listing App

a. Create New Visual Listing App

Create your own FREE Advertising Visual Listing App by setting avatar styles and backgrounds in 'Set avatars and background' option.

Choose only one relevant linked item styles for your eBay to be dressed by avatar model as default. Now press Next button to attach your listing app into eBay listings page.

Select appropriate option to set your app for your listing page description. 'To all of my eBay items listings' option will let you apply into all of your listings pages whereas; 'To specified eBay item listing' option will let you to apply for selected item numbers. Keep in mind, first option will take 2 to 3 hours to apply app into all pages and in second option you can able to choose only 20 items for applying visual listing app.

Also you can copy your own Visual Listing App url and promote your app by embedding into your own website/blog sites. You may also share on you SNS by using same address location.

b. My Visual Listing App

Choose 'View my app' option menu under Visual Listing app to view your own attractive Visual Listing Application. This widget model will be appeared in your eBay Listing pages which you have linked in 'Create Visual Listing App' option.


eBay Boutique App

a. Create New Boutique App

Create your own FREE eBay Boutique App by setting avatar styles and backgrounds in 'Create eBay Boutique App' option. Enter your Boutique App name or your logo image, Choose HTML or Flash version of App. Choose widget type of either 'eBay Boutique App' or 'My Boutique App'. After setting all your necessary information's press Next button to generate embedding code to insert into your related web pages.

b. Types of eBay Boutique App

eBay Boutique App - eBay Boutique App does not necessarily need to link your items to the search engine as it is the Default Widget. You can include other seller's items into your own app for referrals.

My Boutique App - My Boutique App is for sellers that have selling items at eBay in the category of women's and men's fashion related. The seller will be able to display their items for a powerful exposure and promoted publicity with the Free Advertising Service available.


How are your items marketed in Canvasee?

Visual Listing App will appear in your eBay description pages which it will increase your sales for a same seller.

Boutique App will display all your fashionable selling items from eBay open market to your buyers and SNS circles by embedding your app code into relevant webpages.


Support System

If there is any problem related to using the Canvasee application please take the time to fill out the eTicket Support System and get help from our support department. We appreciate you being as specific as possible, as this will speed up the process of your issue or question being resolved. If there is any error messages involved, please include the exact text of those messages. If there is an URL involved in your question and/or problem, do not hesitate to include it in the Message Box.
